What is the price of CCA HM20 XUN-7 Dynamic Driver & 7BA Hybrid IEM Earphones in Bangladesh?
Current price is 6950tk
CCA HM20 XUN-7 Dynamic Driver & 7BA Hybrid IEM Earphones
Brand: CCA
Product model: CCA-HM20
Impedance Sensitivity: 22Ω
Frequency: 20-40000Hz
Sensitivity: 105±3dB
Plug type: 3.5mm
Pin Type: 0.75mm
Cable Type: silver-plated cable
Cable length: 120+5CM
Wearing type: In-ear
৳ 6,950.00
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What is the price of CCA HM20 XUN-7 Dynamic Driver & 7BA Hybrid IEM Earphones in Bangladesh?
Current price is 6950tk
Product features:
Product description
High frequency balanced armature *4
Mid frequency balanced armature* 2
Bass Frequency balanced armature *2
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